Monday, August 24, 2020

Investment Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Venture Plan - Assignment Example 2. Bookkeeping Rate of Return: Accounting Rate of Return depends on bookkeeping benefit. Bookkeeping Rate of Profit (ARR) can be characterized as the level of Average Annual Profit of an Investment to the Average Investment. Where, Normal Investment = (Initial venture + scrap esteem)/2 Advantages: By utilizing Profit figures, this strategy identifies with the arrival on capital utilized straightforwardly. The consequence of this estimation is in rate, which is effectively justifiable by most specialists. Disadvantage: Here likewise it overlooks the time estimation of cash It utilizes the bookkeeping benefit as opposed to incomes. Incomes speak to strong control over assets, while Accounting benefits are exposed to the utilization of bookkeeping ideas. 3. Net Present Value: It is a limited income technique for speculation evaluation. It utilizes the technique for limiting future incomes to its current qualities. The whole of things to come incomes less the underlying venture gives the Net Present estimation of a Project. Advantages: Its principle quality is its acknowledgment of time estimation of cash. As it considers income for estimation, it isn't influenced by the bookkeeping strategy of a specific organization. As it assesses the expenses of raising money, a positive NPV mirrors the expansion in investors' riches, which should be the principle thought of Project evaluation. Disadvantages: This is somewhat awkward procedure of ascertaining the markdown rate with the idea of money accessible. It gives bring about outright figures, and doesn't take into account the size of the undertaking. 4. Inner Rate of Return: Internal Rate of Return is the markdown rate that gives a zero NPV....The whole of things to come incomes less the underlying speculation gives the Net Present estimation of a Project. 4. Inner Rate of Return: Internal Rate of Return is the markdown rate that gives a zero NPV. The acknowledgment measures of this technique for evaluation are; IRR ought to be more noteworthy than the rebate rate on the assumption that an undertaking with higher IRR than the markdown rate produces more significant yields. Computation of IRR is simpler as it doesn't require exact expense of capital rebate rate. To acknowledge a venture it is sufficient to see that the IRR adequately higher than the rough expense of capital. To summerize complex bookkeeping data into moderately little no. of key markers proportions are utilized. This additionally makes examination simpler. As we are currently going to make correlation between the exhibition of M/s Sukna and M/s Badra we ought to use the proportion investigation technique. Customarily proportions are ordered into five gatherings. We should investigate the proportions for which information is accessible with us. This is referred to as essential proportion as it goes to the core of what most private segment firms attempt to accomplish. This proportion gives the adequacy of the advantages financed both by investors and long haul leasers. This proportion ought to be as high as could be expected under the circumstances. Net Profit Margin = Gross Profit/Sales X 100%. This proportion doesn't give a reasonable picture yet it can give some pattern.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Reflective Essay

An incredible entirety I’ve needed to be an official of the law, all the more explicitly a R.C.M.P. In spite of the fact that as my life went on and I developed more established I understood that these objectives possibly inaccessible. So I set out in the realm of finding a profession that would fulfill my budgetary and family needs, and individual objectives. In the following hardly any sections I will attempt to portray how my work history never contrasted with my objectives and desires for my fantasies, and ideally arrive at certain resolutions on where they lead me. My fantasy about being a cop begun at a youthful age, as a kid playing I was constantly a cop, never the trouble maker, or each time I passed a police cruiser or official of the law I was dumbfounded at the man in the uniform, not the man, yet â€Å"the uniform† was an image of legitimateness to me. All through my developing years I regarded the â€Å"uniform†, and a big motivator for it. As I developed more seasoned I started increasingly more to understand this was the vocation for me, as I’ve consistently felt a requirement for helping individuals and my locale. I began at nine years old finding out about another world, work. I was a stock kid in my father’s store, in a bustling piece of the city. where it was a typical spot for cops to snatch a tidbit or simply do a standard check. In this line of business there was a high pace of burglary, vandalism, and lingering, which allowed me the chance to see direct a cop at work. Thus this made my fantasy more like a reality in what I truly needed to do throughout everyday life. After secondary school not realizing what the world would offer or what I could offer it, since I never completed secondary school ,four credits shy of my degree, and swore I could stay away for the indefinite future. So I set out in this universe of work, I thought possibly I would put the adoration for my carpentry to utilize and maybe become a woodworker. Well I figured this would be definitely suited to my tastes, shockingly, when I discovered dislike messing about in the carport. I was up to my knees ... Free Essays on Reflective Essay Free Essays on Reflective Essay A mind-blowing entirety I’ve needed to be an official of the law, all the more explicitly a R.C.M.P. Despite the fact that as my life went on and I developed more seasoned I understood that these objectives perhaps inaccessible. So I set out in the realm of finding a profession that would fulfill my money related and family needs, and individual objectives. In the following barely any passages I will attempt to portray how my work history never contrasted with my objectives and desires for my fantasies, and ideally reach a few resolutions on where they lead me. My fantasy about being a cop begun at a youthful age, as a youngster playing I was constantly a cop, never the miscreant, or each time I passed a police cruiser or official of the law I was bewildered at the man in the uniform, not the man, however â€Å"the uniform† was an image of legality to me. All through my developing years I regarded the â€Å"uniform†, and a big motivator for it. As I developed more seasoned I started increasingly more to understand this was the profession for me, as I’ve consiste ntly felt a requirement for helping individuals and my locale. I began at nine years old finding out about another world, work. I was a stock kid in my father’s store, in a bustling piece of the city. where it was a typical spot for cops to snatch a bite or simply do a standard check. In this line of business there was a high pace of burglary, vandalism, and dallying, which allowed me the chance to see direct a cop at work. Thusly this made my fantasy more like a reality in what I truly needed to do throughout everyday life. After secondary school not recognizing what the world would offer or what I could offer it, since I never completed secondary school ,four credits shy of my degree, and swore I could stay away forever. So I set out in this universe of work, I thought possibly I would put the adoration for my carpentry to utilize and maybe become a woodworker. Well I figured this would be definitely suited to my strengths, shockingly, when I discovered dislike messing about in the carport. I was up to my knees ...

Friday, July 17, 2020

C?n Y?u R?n?g? on a J?b Off?r

C?n Y?u R?n?g? on a J?b Off?r After ??ri?? ?f applications ?nd int?rvi?w?, you fin?ll? landed th? j?b.It i?n’t your dr??m j?b though, but it ??m?? with d???nt ??? ?nd a ??u?l? ?f b?n?fit?. Fri?nd? ?nd f?mil? b?gin to ??ngr?tul?t? you, ?ft?r ?ll, it sure isn’t easy getting a d???nt j?b in this ???n?m?.L?t?r that night, ju?t b?f?r? ??u retired f?r th? night, ??ur ?h?n? b???? and it’? an ?-m?il fr?m th? r??ruitm?nt m?n?g?r ?t ??ur dr??m job ?ff?ring ??u th?t dr??m position you h?d ???li?d f?r f?ur tim??.You are now l?ft with a r??l ?r?bl?m ?n ??ur h?nd?: Y?u’v? ?????t?d the Job offer, but n?w ??u n??d to r?tr??t ??ur words ?nd turn it d?wn.W?ll, don’t be alarmed; it’s actually ?uit? ??mm?n, b?th f?r graduate jobs ?nd those wh? h?v? b??n in th? ???t?m for a very l?ng time.This ?r?bl?m i? ?ft?n w?r?? ?n fr??h graduates b???u?? ?f th? ?x??ri?n?? they lack in dealing with ?u?h ?itu?ti?n?. C?m?u? r??ruit?r?, ??? th?ir ??ll?g? hir?? jilt th?m ?t th? last minute.This tr?nd has v?x?d hiring managers, flu?t?r?d ? tud?nt? ?nd l?ft colleges torn b?tw??n h?l?ing gr?du?t?? get ahead and ?t??ing in th? good gr???? ?f ??m??ni?? that r??ruit ?n campus.“We want t? b?li?v? th?t ?n accepted offer i? ?n ?gr??m?nt,” ??id G?rd?n Mill?r, wh? has r?tir?d from hi? role as ??ni?r r??ruiting m?n?g?r ?t Pr??t?r G?mbl? C?., wh?r? h? h?? observed a ri?ing numb?r ?f ?tud?nt? r?n?ging on offers. Stud?nt? wh? b??k out ?ft?r accepting r?ti?n?liz? that they’re “l??king out f?r th?ir b??t int?r??t,” he said.Turning d?wn ?n? j?b ?ff?r, mu?h l??? r?n?ging on ?n?, w?uld h?v? b??n unthink?bl? for most ??ll?g? graduates a few years ago, when post-grad employment w?? h?rd?r to ??m? by ?nd m?n? fr??h gr?du?t?? w?nt und?r?m?l???d or j?bl???.More th?n h?lf of 2015 j?b-???king graduates r???iv?d at l???t ?n? j?b ?ff?r by gr?du?ti?n, up fr?m 47.9% l??t ???r, ????rding to the National A????i?ti?n ?f C?ll?g?? and Em?l???r?, whi?h tracks campus r??ruiting.S?uth?rn’? Mr. Arm?tr?ng said ?f th? 40 t? 50 college hir?? the ??m??n? m?k?? ?v?r? ???r, a ??u?l? renege, ?? d? a h?ndful of ??rt-tim? ?tud?nt hir?? and int?rn?.Recruiters at ?t??l min?r ArcelorMittal SA say more ?f their ?ff?r? h?v? fallen through in th? ???t thr?? ???r?; thi? ???r, ?f th? 134 students wh? ?????t?d U.S. j?b?, 15 eventually b??k?d ?ut, ?ft?n ?iting ?n?th?r job in a m?r? d??ir?bl? l???ti?n, according to Felicia Pugh, division m?n?g?r ?f talent ???ui?iti?n.R??ruit?r? d?n’t n??????ril? blacklist ?tud?nt? wh? ?h?ng? th?ir minds about j?b ?ff?r?, said Kayla Villw??k, manager ?f univ?r?it? ?utr???h and r??ruiting at SAS In?titut? In?., a m?k?r ?f bu?in???-?n?l?ti?? software based in Cary, N.C.But, ?h? added, “recruiters run in small circles, and it is possible th?t the ?tud?nt’? n?m? ??uld g?t brought up in ???u?l ??nv?r??ti?n.”M?king thing? w?r??, m?n? young hir?? renege via ?m?il, or ????? ??mmuni??ti?n ?lt?g?th?r with r??ruit?r?. “Stud?nt? aren’t n??????ril? tr?in?d in how t? h?ndl? getting multiple offers ?nd h?w t? ? ?mmuni??t?,” Mr. Armstrong ??id.In ??m? cases, students with accepted offers become m?r? ?ttr??tiv? t? r??ruit?r?, career-services ?ffi??r? ??id.“You get m?r? m?rri?g? ?r?????l? once you’re ?ng?g?d th?n before,” ??id Eugene G?ntil?, dir??t?r ?f th? ?ffi?? of ??r??r management at Rutg?r? Business S?h??l.Thi? ??ring, ?n? Rutgers ?tud?nt ?????t?d ?n offer fr?m a top accounting firm ?nl? to r???iv? an ?ff?r fr?m a dir??t competitor, whi?h lik?l? kn?w th? ?tud?nt h?d already ??mmitt?d, h? ??id. Th? student ?nd?d up backing ?ut of the fir?t ?ff?r ?nd choosing the ????nd firm.R?n?ging ??rri?? littl? stigma ?m?ng t??h ??m??ni??, where ????hing college recruits i? ??mm?n, said Gayle L??km?nn M?D?w?ll, f?und?r and ?hi?f executive ?f C?r??r Cu?, which ?r???r?? ?tud?nt? f?r tech careers. “T??h ??m??ni?? are going to ?r?tt? extraordinary lengths t? hire developers, so they’re going to look the other w?? ?t a lot of minor issues,” ?h? ??id.2014 Harvard University gr?du?t?? S?r?h Pie rson, 22, and Al?x? Bu?kl??, 23, h?d ?????t?d full-time ?ff?r? fr?m McKinsey Inc. ?nd a ?riv?t?-??uit? ?nd v?ntur?-???it?l firm, respectively, n??r th? start of their senior year. Ov?r th? wint?r, h?w?v?r, th? w?m?n b?g?n t? dr??m of f?unding a f??hi?n ?t?rt up.A? plans f?r their ?nlin? f??tw??r bu?in??? b?g?n t? t?k? shape, th?? felt t?? passionately about the ?r?j??t t? walk ?w??, they ??id.Th?? said th?? found r???n?n?? in a gr?du?ti?n speech b? F???b??k In?. ?hi?f operating ?ffi??r Sh?r?l S?ndb?rg, wh? ??k?d ?tud?nt?, “What w?uld you d? if you w?r?n’t afraid?”When it ??m?? t? the ?u??ti?n ‘??n you r?n?g? on a j?b ?ff?r?’ there i? sadly no clear ?ut ?n?w?r whi?h ??n b? given t? ??u. N? tw? individu?l? ?r? alike ?nd ?t the same tim?, n? tw? individu?l? have th? ??m? hopes, dr??m? ?r ?v?n d?m??ti? considerations. So ??u ?h?uld ensure that ??u ?lw??? follow the dictates of ??ur heart ?nd mind ?nd d? wh?t?v?r you think i? right and will suit ??ur ?ur???? just fin?. S? ??? ? ?u ??n d??lin? an offer if ??u think that it is a d??i?i?n which you need to take. S?m?tim?? in lif? ??u n??d t? take ??l?ul?t?d risks and t?k? th? ?lung?.They each called th?ir ?r?????tiv? ?m?l???r?. “Th?r? was d?finit?l? a f??ling ?f perhaps l?tting th?m d?wn,” M?. Pi?r??n ??id. “It f?lt lik? a giant leap ?f faith.”It’s ?ft?n n?t id??l t? r?n?g? ?n a j?b ?ff?r, but ??u have t? l??k out f?r yourself, ?nd ??m?tim??, that involves ???ing n?, wh?n ??u’v? ?lr??d? ??id ???.But in other t? renege, ?n? has t? b? very ??r?ful ?n h?w he or she h?ndl?? it.S? in a matter ?f ????king, ??u ??n r?n?g? a j?b offer, ?nd h?r?’? h?w t? d? it right.Question: I? it unethical if I ?????t j?b ?ff?r fr?m ??m??n? A and ju?t a f?w d??? l?t?r turn it d?wn, because I g?t a b?tt?r j?b ?ff?r fr?m company B ?nd decided t? ?????t it? I h?v? n?t started w?rking ?t ??m??n? A yet. Th?nk you.Ni?k Corcodilos: C?ngr?tul?ti?n? on getting tw? j?b offers, ?v?n if it puts ??u in ?n ?wkw?rd spot.Rescinding yo ur ?????t?n?? ?f a j?b ?ff?r i? a lousy thing t? d?, but I d?n’t think ?thi?? h?v? ?n?thing t? d? with it. It’? a bu?in??? d??i?i?n you make using th? inf?rm?ti?n th?t’? ?v?il?bl? t? ??u at th? time.Ch?nging ??ur mind might ?ff??t your r??ut?ti?n, and ?m?l???r A ?r?b?bl? will n?v?r talk to you ?g?in. But if ?ff?r B i? ?? mu?h better, ?r ??m??n? B i? a better ??m??n? ?r ?ff?r? a b?tt?r job, then ??u’v? g?t t? do wh?t’? right f?r you ?nd ?????t th? consequences.It’s n?t ?n easy thing. Wh?t I think i? un?thi??l i? if you h?v? b?th ?ff?r? in hand, accept ?n?, th?n change ??ur mind ?nd t?k? the ?th?r. But if ??u h?v? ?nl? ?n? ?ff?r in hand, ?nd change ??ur mind wh?n the other ??m?? thr?ugh, I think th?t’? a diff?r?nt story.FIR?T: HAVE ??U ?IGN?D THE ??NTR??T?Do ??u h?v? a ?ign?d ?m?l???? agreement ?r ??ntr??t with th? ??m??n??If ??, things ?r? a littl? m?r? complicatedâ€"you might already b? legally bound t? th?t ??rti?ul?r ?m?l???r, and ??u’ll n??d to read thr?ugh that d ocument in d?t?il (fin? ?rint and all!) to get a ??n?? ?f what ??u’r? dealing with.Of course, if ??u h?v? ?ign?d a ??ntr??t, th?t d???n’t m??n you need to t??? ??ur h?nd? u? ?nd r??ign yourself to ?t l???t a year ?f b?ing stuck with that ?m?l???r.Y?u can definitely ?till bring ??ur ?itu?ti?n to th?ir ?tt?nti?nâ€"in f??t, ??u might b? ?ur?ri??d at h?w accommodating th?? ??n b?.R?m?mb?r, employers ultimately want ?m?l????? who want to b? th?r?.And, if that’s not ??u?Th??’ll lik?l? make ??m? exceptions to that ?gr??m?nt you’ve ?lr??d? ?ign?d. N?w, if you’ve only m?d? a v?rb?l ?gr??m?nt with the ??m??n?, ??u have a little m?r? fl?xibilit? t? b??k ?ut ?f the j?b.H?w?v?r, th?r? ?r? ?till ??m? ti?? ?nd t??ti?? ??u’r? g?ing t? n??d t? implement t? d? ?? with ??i?? ?nd professionalism.1. B? sure ?f your d??i?i?n, you don’t want to change your mind half wayFir?t things fir?t, ??u n??d to b? absolutely ??rt?in of ??ur decision before ever approaching the company.B??king ?ut ?f an ?????t?d ?ff?r is t?ugh to b?gin with.But, b??king ?ut only t? ??m? back on ??ur knees to say, “I w?? ju?t kidding! Pl???? ??n I have th?t j?b back?”Well, that’s just b?d bu?in???.So, really giv? ??ur??lf enough time to do ??m? ??ri?u? self-reflection ?nd f??l ??nfid?nt th?t ??u’r? m?king th? b??t choice. Consider thi? your fair w?rning: Thi? isn’t ??m?thing th?t ??u ??n fli? fl?? on.2. Make sure to explain why you’ve decided thisUnder any normal ?ir?um?t?n???, I w?uld t?ll ??u that ??u don’t n??d t? divulg? t?? m?n? personal details t? a potential employer.H?w?v?r, this is a ????i?l caseâ€"and, th?t ??m??n? d?finit?l? deserves ?t least a little bit ?f ??nt?xt as t? why ??u’r? b??king ?ut.Y?u should gr?nt th?m the ?h?n?? t? find ?ut what w?nt wr?ngâ€"??u d?n’t w?nt this t? b? a bad br??ku?, ?ft?r ?ll.S?, wh?th?r you immediately received a b?tt?r ?ff?r ?l??wh?r? or ??ur personal ?ir?um?t?n??? ?h?ng?d, it’? im??rt?nt that you’re willing to ?r?vid? ?t l???t a l ittle inf?rm?ti?n t? th? ?m?l???r.Thi? i?n’t your ????rtunit? to m?k? ?x?u???. Instead, it’s ??ur ?h?n?? t? ?r?vid? ??m? clarity f?r th?t ??m??n? th?t didn’t ??tu?ll? d? ?n?thing wrong.3. Be honest ?b?ut th? reason for n?t ?????ting the jobTh?r? is some truth in th? ??mm?n ???ing that honesty i? th? best ??li?? ?nd this i? ??m?thing whi?h i? ?b??lut?l? vit?l t? r?m?mb?r when ??u r?n?g? ?n a j?b ?ff?r.If you do have a genuine, unavoidable r????n f?r n?t g?ing ?h??d with th? j?b th?n you ?h?uld not ?h? ?w?? fr?m giving ??ur r????n t? th? ??m??n? ?nd ?h?n??? are th?t they will respect you for ??ur h?n??t?, h?w?v?r if b? ?h?n?? you ?r? n?t joining b???u?? a b?tt?r ?m?l??m?nt ????rtunit? h?? come ?b?ut, then m??b? you ??uld consider b?ing di??r??t ?nd ???ing th?t ??u cannot join for personal r????n?.4. B? Gr??i?u?You may be ultimately w?lking ?w?? fr?m th?t j?b. But, you ?till n??d to b? incredibly gr?t?ful f?r th? ????rtunit?.Remember, the company didn’t do anything wrong in thi s ?itu?ti?n.Ultim?t?l?, ?ll th?? did w?? give you ?x??tl? wh?t ??u w?nt?dâ€"? j?b offer.And, th?t’? w?rth? of ??ur ???r??i?ti?n.Regardless ?f h?w that dr??d?d ??nv?r??ti?n g???, r?m?mb?r t? ?ff?r a ?in??r? ?nd h??rtf?lt, “Thank ??u.”5. Make ?ur? ??u decline th? ?ff?r in ??r??n, not through mailG?ing b??k ?n ??ur w?rd i? something th?t i? not a v?r? g??d thing, ??t if ??u have made a decision th?t it i? ??m?thing whi?h needs to b? done, th?n you ?h?uld ?n?ur? th?t ??u br??k the n?w? to th? ??m??n? in ??r??n ?nd ??rt?inl? n?t ?v?r th? ?h?n? as that would ???m b?th in???r??ri?t? as well ?? di?r?????tful.6. Remember to say thank you t? show ??ur ???r??i?ti?nY?u are ??rt?inl? fr?? t? take ?n? d??i?i?n whi?h ??u think i? right, but ?n? thing whi?h ????l? wh? renege ?n a j?b ?ff?r d? i? th?t they ?ff?r a th?nk you n?t?, wh?r? th?? mention h?w grateful they ?r? t? th? company f?r th? ????rtunit? ?nd how they r?gr?t not b?ing able to j?in.7. Und?r?t?nd th? ConsequencesFin?ll?, it’? i m??rt?nt th?t ??u r???gniz? ?nd accept the ??n???u?n??? r?l?t?d t? backing out ?f ?n accepted offer.As mu?h ?? you’d like t?, you might n?t g?t ?ut ?f thi? situation scot-free.Y?u lik?l? w?n’t ?v?r b? g?tting ?n?th?r job offer with th?t ??m? ??m??n?, and you n??d t? und?r?t?nd th?t.Similarly, b??king ?ut in the eleventh h?ur might t?rni?h your r??ut?ti?n a bitâ€"n? m?tt?r how professionally ??u tr? to do so.No, th??? ??n???u?n??? ?r?n’t fun. But, th??’r? all part ?f th? d??l.S?, d?n’t make the mistake of thinking you’re g?ing to b? ?bl? to h?v? your ??k? ?nd eat it t??.Th?r? ??uld v?r? well be ??m? f?ll?ut from thi?, ?? ??u n??d b? prepared.Landing a job offer i? ?x?itingâ€"until ??u realize ??u n??d t? b??k ?ut.If th? ink i? dry ?n ?n? sort ?f ??ntr??t ?r ?m?l???r agreement, thing? ?r? a little m?r? ??m?li??t?d f?r ??u.But, if ??u h?v? ??m? fl?xibilit? t? b??k ?ut ?f that ?????t?d offer, you’re going t? need t? d? so with a high level ?f ?r?f???i?n?li?m and ??lit?n??? .THINGS TO ??N?ID?R BEFORE RENEGING ??UR JOB ?FF?RHave a really good reason for saying no after you’ve said yesG?ing b??k ?n ??ur ?r?mi?? i? a decision which you ?r? free t? t?k?, v?r? ?ft?n wh?t ????l? do is th?t they join th? company whi?h th?? h?d d?ubt? ?b?ut joining, thinking they will stick it ?ut f?r a whil? and th?n l??v? it a littl? l?t?r, but thi? i? one ?f th? w?r?t things whi?h ??u ??n d? ?? it r?fl??t? v?r? b?dl? ?n ??u.B???u?? ??u will d? ?n? ?f two thing?, first ??u might w?rk for a while ?nd hand in your r??ign?ti?n without ?n? proper ?x?l?n?ti?n, ?r second ??u might ??tu?ll? forget about your g??l? ?nd continue t? ?r??? on in the j?b whi?h ??ur h??rt was not really set on.W?rk in a ?l??? th?t m?k?? you happyNeedless t? ??? th?t whil? r?j??ting or accepting a j?b ?ff?r there are a numb?r ?f things whi?h we n??d to ??n?id?r, th??? thing? in?lud?, distance from ??ur h?m?, work conditions, ??rk?, in?ur?n?? offered, ??? ?t?.N? m?tt?r wh?t, ??u ?h?uld always w?rk in a ? l??? th?t m?k?? ??u h????, ?v?n if ??u have a ?m?ll shadow ?f a d?ubt ?r if ??u think that th?r? i? some b?tt?r ????rtunit? for ??u ?l??wh?r?, th?n th?r? i? absolutely n? h?rm in ??u going b??k on ??ur w?rd in a ?r???r m?nn?r.C?ntr?r? to wh?t ??u might think, job satisfaction is ??m?thing even m?r? important th?n money.Remember to put yourself firstR?m?ining a r?l?v?nt part ?f today’s tw?nt? fir?t ??ntur? bu?in??? w?rld i? n? ???? t??k at ?ll, thi? h?ving been ??id, wh?t ??u ?ught to remember i? th?t the business world is a cut thr??t one indeed and ??u ?h?uld n?v?r place ??ur trust wh?l? h??rt?dl? in ?n??n?.You mu?t ?lw??? ensure th?t you have ??ur ?wn interests in mind, even if th?t ??m?? ?t the ???t ?f ??u reneging on a j?b offer.Rather than n?t d?ing justice t? th? r????n?ibiliti?? given t? ??u ?r n?t j?ining ?n th? given d?t?, ??u ?h?uld just ?lu?k u? th? ??ur?g? to decline the ?ff?r in a ?r?f???i?n?l manner.Ev?lu?t? the ?r?? ?nd ??n? carefully before making a d??i?i?nOn? ??i nt whi?h should b? taken care ?f is th?t ?t th? end ?f th? day ??u ?h?uld t?k? a d??i?i?n, ??u most ??rt?inl? have the fr??d?m t? accept ?r r?n?g? ?n any j?b ?ff?r ?? ??r ??ur own wi?h??.However, b?f?r? you come t? ?n? concrete ??n?lu?i?n you ?h?uld ??r?full? weigh th? ?r?? ?nd cons of giving up this j?b offer.T?king this decision will ??rt?inl? n?t be an ???? t??k, yet it is ??m?thing which needs t? b? d?n?.S??nding ??m? ?ui?t m?m?nt? with yourself could r??ll? help ??u gather your th?ught? ?nd t?k? a l??k ?t th? bigg?r ?i?tur?.Finding a j?b i? ?xtr?m?l? t?ugh th??? d???, remember th?tTh?r? ?r? a numb?r of ????l? ??r??? th? w?rld wh? would ??n?id?r it a laughable thing if ??u r?n?g? on a j?b offer, ?t present where there i? ?u?h a ?h?rt?g? ?f j?b? in m?rk?t.Thi? is ??rt?inl? th? ?g? of t??hn?l?g? where m??hin?? have b??n ?u?????ful in r??l??ing m?n f?r a number ?f t??k?; ??m??ni?? are ?nl? willing t? ?ff?r j?b? to th??? people wh? th?? b?li?v? will b? a tru? ????t t? the ??m??n?.S? m?k? sure that ??u d? n?t make a f??li?h d??i?i?n in th? ?v?nt ?f chasing ?ft?r ?n im????ibl? dr??m whi?h might n?t come true ?t all.R??ruit?r? d? move around, the news of your action might reach placesB?f?r? ??u ??n?id?r playing any ??rt of tricks, ??u ?ught to r?m?mb?r th?t recruiters do m?v? around fr?m ??m??n? t? company.If ??u do ?n?thing un??v?ur? or ??t in ?n unprofessional manner, th?n ??u ??n b? r??t ???ur?d th?t this n?w? i? going to travel lik? wild fir?.H?ving ??nt??t? in th? bu?in??? w?rld i? absolutely vital, so if you conduct yourself w?ll, th?n ?h?n??? are th?t ??u will b? giv?n your du? respect.So if ??u are r?n?ging ?n a j?b ?ff?r do not tr? t? b??t ?b?ut th? bush ju?t giv? ??ur ?n?w?r in n? un??rt?in terms in a ?l??r ?nd ??n?i?? manner.Y?ur reputation might take a hitWhen ??u ?r? reneging ?n a j?b ?ff?r, ??u ?h?uld tr? ?nd d? it in a v?r? ?m?rt way, ?? ?h?n??? ?r? that if ??u d?n’t d? it ?m?rtl?, it will be a ??ri?u? bl?w t? ??ur reputation.This i? ??m?thing wh ich you ?h?uld be ?r???r?d for ?? it i? a bl?w to a ??m??n?’? ?g? wh?n ??m??n? turn? d?wn th?ir j?b ?ff?r, ??t if it i? a g??d and r?????t?bl? ??m??n? then they will n?t b?th?r in d?ing ??m?thing ??tt?.If th? ??m??n? recruiters g? about, ??r??ding b?d rum?ur? ?b?ut ??u, then it i? ??rt?inl? b?tt?r th?t ??u were never associated with a company lik? th?t ?t all.Y?u probably might not be able to work in that ??m??n? again, remember thatYes, ??u m??t certainly d? h?v? the fr??d?m t? g? b??k ?n a ?r?mi?? whi?h you m?d? ??t ?h?n??? ?r? th?t you m?? n?t ?v?n g?t an opportunity to w?rk in th?t ??m??n? ever again.S? ??u mu?t ?n?ur? th?t thi? i? ??m?thing whi?h you are ?r???r?d for. Going b??k on a ?r?mi?? whi?h ??u h?v? made will make it im????ibl? for that ??m??n? t? ?v?r tru?t ??u ?g?in.R?m?mb?r that m?tt?r how m?n? ???r? happen to go b?, ??ur n?m? will ??ntinu? t? b? in th?ir records.It displays you as a person who lacks integrityTh?ugh legally you can renege ?n a j?b offer, ??t wh?t ?? u mu?t r?m?mb?r that wh?n ??u g? back on a ?r?mi?? whi?h ??u h?v? m?d?, th?n ??u b???m? kn?wn ?? ??m??n? wh? d??? n?t have int?grit? or i? n?t tru? t? hi? ?r h?r word.Y?t if your dr??m trul? d??? li? elsewhere th?n ??u ?h?uld n?t w?rr? about th??? thing?, b???u?? l?g?ll? no one ??n d? ??u ?n? harm ?r im???? th?ir will ?n you in ?n? way.L??k f?r ?n?th?r way out if ????ibl?As m?nti?n?d above you ??rt?inl? d? have th? fr??d?m t? r?n?g? ?n a j?b ?ff?r, ??t it is not ??m?thing whi?h you ?h?uld d? if ??u have some other options ?v?il?bl? f?r ??u.After ?ll a company h?? ?l???d th?ir trust in ??u ?nd seen ??u ?? a ????bl? professional, so you l?tting th?m down would n?t b? a v?r? id??l thing to do.S? what ??u ??n d? is ??n?id?r looking f?r ?th?r w??? out rather than n?t being tru? to ??ur w?rd.Aft?r all, you w?uld not w?nt t? b? f?m?u? in the business w?rld f?r all the wrong reasons!Remember t? b? ?xtr?m?l? ??lit? whil? d?ing ??If ?ft?r ??r?ful weighing and m???uring ??u h?v? ??m? t? th? ?? n?lu?i?n th?t ??u do not w?nt to j?in th? ??m??n?, then ??u must b? sure to g? b??k on ??ur w?rd in ?n ?xtr?m?l? ??lit? manner, ?u?h th?t the ??m??n? ??ni?r? as w?ll ?? recruiters d? not f??l ?light?d or ?v?n insulted in ?n?w??.S? wh?t you can d? i? try ?nd seek advice from ??ur fri?nd? and family m?mb?r? ?b?ut the b??t w?? in whi?h ??u ??n giv? your ?n?w?r to th? ??m??n?.Do n?t feel too guilty about th? d??i?i?n ??u h?v? madeIn th? ?v?nt ?f going b??k ?n your w?rd, ??u ?h?uld ?lw??? ?t?nd by th? d??i?i?n whi?h ??u have taken and n?t ?????r t? ???l?g?ti? ?r guilt? ?b?ut what ??u h?v? d??id?d t? d?.At th? ?nd ?f th? d??, ??u mu?t r?m?mb?r th?t th? ??m??n? will ??rt?inl? be ?bl? t? find a r??l???m?nt f?r ??u and that ??u n??d n?t ?ut your own dr??m? ?n h?ld f?r th? ??k? ?f ??m??n? else.S?m?l? L?tt?r Turning D?wn a Job Off?r ?ft?r A????tingFir?t n?m? L??t name 123 Walnut Dr. B?rringt?n, IL 60011DateM?li??? Peterson Financial M?n?g?r ABC Fin?n?i?l Group 456 South St. Chi??g?, IL 60612De ar M?. P?t?r??n,Thank ??u ?? mu?h f?r ?ff?ring m? th? position ?f Fin?n?i?l Analyst ?t th? ABC Fin?n?i?l Gr?u?. It h?? been a ?l???ur? ????king with ??u and l??rning m?r? ?b?ut ??ur ??m??n?.Unf?rtun?t?l?, ?ft?r giving a gr??t deal ?f th?ught t? this ??r??r opportunity, I h?v? d??id?d that it i? in m? b??t int?r??t, as w?ll ?? th? ??m??n?’?, to turn d?wn ??ur gracious j?b offer. I have r???ntl? d??id?d t? ?????t ?n?th?r ???iti?n th?t I b?li?v? is a b?tt?r fit f?r m? ?biliti?? and ?kill ??t.I ?m ?? sorry for ?n? in??nv?ni?n?? m? d??i?i?n may ??u??.I continue to b? impressed with ABC Financial Gr?u?’? role in the int?rn?ti?n?l m?rk?t?l???, and ??rti?ul?rl? with the great w?rk ??u h?v? d?n? ?? manager of the ??m??n?’? Midw??t br?n?h.I wish ??u ?ll th? best in ??ur futur? ?nd??v?ur?. I h??? to ??? ??u at th? u???ming Financial M?n?g?m?nt Conference in October.Sin??r?l?,(Sign?tur?) First n?m? L??t n?m? (typed)SHOULD I R?N?G? ?R N?T? YOU ?H?ULDN’T AND HERE’S WHY While it is legal t? r?n?g? fr?m ?n offer, thi? d??? n?t m??n that i? a wise course ?f ??ti?n.T? convey the full im?li??ti?n? ?f r?n?ging, writ?r, R?x?nn? Hori from, uses the ??m??ri??n of dating and marriage.“In b?th settings,” she says, “Y?u are meeting ????l? ?nd looking f?r th? right m?t?h.” Sh? th?n continues:At some ??int wh?n dating, thing? get ??ri?u? ?nd ?v?ntu?ll? l??d t? a proposal ?f m?rri?g? ?r l?ng-t?rm commitment. Once ??u make th?t ??mmitm?nt, both individu?l? expect th? ?th?r t? ?t?? tru? to the ??mmitm?nt.Th?r?f?r?, ?????ting ?n ?ff?r f?r a j?b/int?rn?hi? ??n be vi?w?d almost ?? ??ri?u?l? ?? “???ing, ‘I d?’” t? a m?rri?g? proposal.You h?v? made ?n agreement, wh?th?r verbal ?r writt?n, to ??mmit t? a ??rt?in r?l? f?r a certain dur?ti?n of time.If th? th?ught ?f l??ving someone at th? altar seems cringe w?rth?, then consider what h????n? wh?n someone reneges fr?m ?n ?ff?r.The hiring process can b? l?ng ?nd t?xing f?r ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n.Th? many ??rt? that g ? into it (?t?rting with ?dv?rti?ing open ???iti?n?, t? r?vi?wing ???li??ti?n?, t? int?rvi?wing candidates, ?nd finally ?xt?nding offers ?f ?????t?n??) r??uir? the ?x??nditur? ?f v?lu?bl? time ?nd resources fr?m th? employing ??m??n?.T? r?n?g? ?n ?n offer w?uld, n?t ?nl? be completely disregarding th? ?m?unt of work it took during th? fir?t r?und ?f hiring, it would ?l?? m??n th?t th? ?m?l???r h?? t? ?t?rt another round of th? ??m? gru?lling ?r?????.For this r????n, some ?rg?niz?ti?n? might b???m? m?r? intolerant towards ??ndid?t?? the companies h?d ?r?vi?u?l? ?xt?nd?d ?ff?r? to, whi?h w?r? then r?n?g?d.Danielle Wild?r, th? Dir??t?r of Hum?n R???ur??? ?t Sh?lt?r h?u?? reveals that ??m? employers might ?v?n bl??kli?t ?u?h candidates, m??ning that th?? w?uld n?t consider ????l? wh? renege from ?ff?r? for futur? ???iti?n? within th? ?rg?niz?ti?n.Sh? ?x?l?in?, “W? w?nt t? b? ??m??n?’? fir?t ?h?i??, not their rebound ?r f?ll back.”Additi?n?ll?, ?v?n if a ??r??n is n?t t?? di?????in t?d ?b?ut n?t working ?t a ????ifi? ??m??n? ?n?m?r?, ?th?r j?b opportunities can still h?v? th? potential ?f b?ing jeopardized. Hori, ?u?t?d ?b?v?, relates thi? experience:I kn?w ??m??n? wh? reneged on one job opportunity t? t?k? ?n?th?r ???iti?n. Th? d?? he ?h?w?d u? t? w?rk, h? found the company no l?ng?r wanted him because they di???v?r?d he h?d reneged ?n a competitor. The feeling w?? he ?im?l? ??uld n?t b? tru?t?d.H?w do I ?v?id r?n?ging?On? of the b??t w??? t? stay ?w?? from th? potentially harmful behaviour ?f r?n?ging i? to ?v?id g?tting ?tu?k in th? ?ir?um?t?n??? th?t might make the act ???m t?m?ting t? d?.Ev?n th?ugh th? j?b/int?rn?hi? ???r?h ??n b? ?uit? stressful, thi? d???n’t mean th?t it h?? t? push you into a corner ?nd ?????t wh?t?v?r fir?t ?ff?r ??m?? ?l?ng. In?t??d, ?ft?r r???iving ?n ?ff?r ?f ?m?l??m?nt fr?m ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n, try ??king for m?r? tim? to ??n?id?r the ?ff?r b?f?r? m?king a d??i?i?n.Oft?n times, ??m??ni?? are f?irl? willing t? gr?nt ?u?h an ?xt?n?i? n because th?? usually understand that a candidate might be deciding b?tw??n multiple offers.A???rding t? Lily Zh?ng, ?n? w?? t? d? thi? effectively i? to first th?nk th? employer f?r the offer, th?n ask about potential opportunities t? ????k with ?th?r? ?t th? ??m??n? t? l??rn m?r? ?b?ut th? culture th?t ??n help inf?rm your decision.She goes ?n t? ?x?l?in, “M??t ??m??ni?? will appreciate that you ?r? interested in doing the due diligence t? make sure you ?r? a good fit?nd ??u ??n still m?int?in a ??f?t? net without ??tting ??ur??lf up t? burn bridg??.”Additi?n?ll?, wh?n deciding between ?urr?nt ?nd potential ?ff?r?, m?k? ?ur? t? practice good d??i?i?n m?king ?kill? t? ?v?id m?king ?n? rash d??i?i?n? th?t ??n harm ??ur int?r??t? or that ?f ??ur prospective ?m?l???r?.With th?t b?ing ??id, there ??n b? situations when r?n?ging i? l?gitim?t?l? th? ?nl? ??ti?n that ??n b? t?k?n. Su?h ?xt?nu?ting circumstances can in?lud? long-term f?mil? ?m?rg?n?i?? ?r personal health i??u??, etc.A n?th?r situation might be th?t another ???iti?n ???n? up within the organization th?t ?xt?nd?d the offer th?t might b? m?r? fitting for ??ur ??r??r interests.In all these ?f?r?m?nti?n?d cases, h?n??t? is trul? th? b??t ??li??. Cl??rl? explain why you would lik? to withdr?w fr?m th? ?????t?d offer t? th? employer ?? ???n ?? ????ibl?.All in all, r?n?ging fr?m an offer when ?u?h ?n ??ti?n ??n b? ?v?id?d in th? fir?t ?l??? ??n b? l?b?ll?d ?? b?d ??r??r ?ti?u?tt?.So unl??? thi? ??ti?n is trul? th? ?nl? l?gitim?t? option in a specific situation, it i? b??t to avoid it ?lt?g?th?r f?r f??r ?f incurring ?n? potential damage to ??ur ??r??r ??th b?f?r? it ?v?n ?t?rt?.S? ???, ??u can renege a job offer, but it’? really n?t ?dvi??bl?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Andrew Jacksons Democracy Essay - 568 Words

Jackson’s version of democracy was in fact a democracy. He was not a very wealthy man, he owned a home and some land. Which was more than could be said about most Americans at the time. About ten percent of the Americans living there at that time owned enough land to vote. There was a law, stating that only white males with a good portion of land could vote in the presidential election. Andrew Jackson thought this system was so unfair, he created a new way to govern the citizens of the newly formed United States. He believed that the spoil system, or rotating office holders often was important. He fired everyone currently working at the white house, and he replaced them with people that were actively campaigning for the democratic†¦show more content†¦Even though he could have been doing something wrong, this man had a few very brilliant ideas to get and keep office for two sessions. He did all he could to get everyone in the middle/lower classes to vote, especi ally for him. He made it legal for every white man, those who owned land and not to vote. This was indirectly helping his vote count, people looked up to this man because he helped bring fairness to all of the people, and he knew he would get a huge amount of votes. The men who did not own land, or come from a wealthy/smart background, would vote for the man who helped give them their rights. This meant almost every American had a say in what happened in their country. He issued a bill to remove the Indians from mainly Georgia, but all of the land we owned at the time. This gave everyone but mostly the southerners more land to work with, and not have all those sometimes hostile Indians breathing down their backs. This defiantly helped the poor and middle classes, because it was more land that they could settle down and live their lives. It brought them comfort and lots more room. The Indians defiantly did not like this at all, some thought that they weren’t going to move, and become hostile. The US brought the military and marched down there so their would be no misunderstanding. The Indians did not have the right to vote, so they were pushed around, like the poor class before Jackson stepped in. Nobody really liked theShow MoreRelatedAndrew Jacksons Views Of Jacksonian Democracy1157 Words   |  5 PagesJacksonian Democracy describes the time from when Andrew Jackson became the seventh president of the United States in 1829 till the end of his second term in 1837 (Shi and Tindall, 319). He was the first president that didn’t come from a prominent colonial family. His â€Å"common man† background lead him to being a popular political figure among the common people. This lead to him and his supporters forming America’s democratic party. A democracy is a system of government where the people or citizensRead MoreAndrew Jackson Essay1451 Words   |  6 Pages Andrew Jackson strongly opposed the Second Natio nal Bank of the United States. The Panic of 1819 was a key motivator for the destruction of the Second National Bank for Andrew Jackson and many Americans (Shepard Software â€Å"Andrew Jackson†); it left many Americans unemployed and hundreds of businesses bankrupt especially farming businesses. A lot of the blame of the Panic of 1819 was put onto the Second Bank of the United States (Remini, American Empire, 164), and Jackson strongly believedRead More To What Extent Was Jacksonian Democracy Democratic? Essay1209 Words   |  5 PagesTo What Extent Was Jacksonian Democracy Democratic?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the administration of Andrew Jackson, the United States was a nation of change both politically and socially. American society was a society of opportunity. Americans felt that, given a chance, they could make a better life for themselves. This was the era of the common people, the era of democracy. Andrew Jackson appealed to the American people because he stood for values many regarded with favor. However democratic Jackson mayRead MoreAndrew Jackson And The Influence Of The Jacksonian Democracy1259 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the 1820s and 1830s, the Democratic Party grew under the influence of the politician Andrew Jackson. The Democrats believed in a limited federal government and supported giving more power to the states. The economic monopolies in the East concerned the Democrats, they wanted equal opportunity for white males in the South and West. By the presidential election in 1828, new amendments to voting qualifications allowed more white males to vote. With support from this new population of voters,Read MoreThe Election Of Andrew Jackson1576 Words   |  7 Pageselection of Andrew Jackson, for the first time in American history, a common man built his way up to earn the title of President of the United States. Jackson being of â€Å"low birth† had particular significance because he went from rags to riches. During his presidency his affinity for the common people did not change, thus Jackson tended to favor the rights of the common people over what was constitutionally correct. Andrew Jackson from such actions can be called the â€Å"father† of American democracy becauseRead MoreEssay on The Corrupt Bargain707 Words   |  3 PagesWhen Andrew Jackson was denied presidency in 1824 due to â€Å"the corrupt bargain† between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay, he was furious at the lack of democracy in the election system. He became determined to institute a new age of genuine democracy in America where the voice of the people wouldim being monarchal, Andrew Jackson was a very democratic president evidenced by his drive to give the people more representation and also his attempted transfer of power from the few to the many. 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Essentially, the book is about a man who rose from nothing to establish the modern presidency. Andrew Jackson struggled at a young age, and earnedRead MoreJeffersonian And Jacksonian Democracy1574 Words   |  7 PagesJeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy both have roots dating back to the Era of Good Feelings, when James Monroe created a golden climate of liberalism and national unity. As a result of the War of 1812, Monroe spoke of his policies and beliefs and in 1817, peace, liberty, prosperity, and progress flourished throughout the nation (Garraty 200). The Era of Good Feelings came to an end because of the â€Å"corrupt bargain† in 1824. The transition from Jeffersonian to Jacksonian Democracy involved scandalo us eventsRead MoreAnalysis Of The War Hero After The Battle Of New Orleans934 Words   |  4 Pages2015 APUSH DBQ: Jacksonian Democrats Andrew Jackson became known as the war hero after the Battle of New Orleans. His victory over the Indians in the battle helped his public recognition and increased his popularity in society. In the election of 1820, Andrew Jackson ran for presidency and won with flying colors. Jackson’s humble background gave him an edge over other candidates - he was the voice for the â€Å"common man† and endorsed the idea of national democracy. His years in office was named the Jacksonian

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The social and political context of the 1950s is crucial...

The social and political context of the 1950’s is crucial to any understanding of the birth of rock n roll. â€Å"Rock was formed out of the social, economic and political context of post-war America†. The social context was on the bases of the post war baby boom, which counted for the birth of 77 million babies between the years 1946-1964. By the year 1964 forty percent of America’s population was under twenty years of age. For the first time both middle and working class youths were acquiring an affluent lifestyle. Disposable income came from part-time work and pocket money, which gave youths some form of spending power, which gave them a sense of independence. This mind you were what Wicke’s point out was due to America’s economic growth†¦show more content†¦The rules implemented at teenagers were met with rebellious attitude. The ideological view that the government had built around education was seen to be artificial. The notion that a good education would equip an individual with a good job did not fall through as many teenagers realised. As a result cultural industries saw fit to move in and make profit from this reality by offering a form of escapism through music. Music mainly Rhythm and Blues was expressing the experiences of young teenagers. Teenagers no longer upheld the values and message that their parents and schools were promoting. This created conflict between the cultural industries who were promoting the pleasures of consumption with the traditional view of educational demands. This was seen to be the background formation and experience for rock n roll. It was due to the experiences of teenagers that Rock n roll formed. Rock n roll is due to Presley etc. However the arguments put forward on the notion that the social and political context of the 1950’s was the reason behind the emergence of rock n roll is undermined by Peterson who states that the birth of Rock n roll can not be purely based and credited to the individuals mentioned above. That is not to say he is undermining their talent but instead such talent can be found on a wider scale, however only a few make the forefront. The baby boom explanation he says is simple in that in 1954 the oldest ages of the babyShow MoreRelatedStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words   |  287 PagesPRESS A Division of Simon Schuster Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright  © 1998 by Henry Mintzberg, Ltd., Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. THE FREE PRESS and colophon are trademarks of Simon Schuster Inc. 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My Nursing Philosophy Free Essays

As I sit here pondering how I would communicate my values and beliefs, I think of my current job as a personal trainer, similar to nursing, on a daily basis I help individuals with their personal health both inside and out. In my job there is no room for my values or beliefs, just facts, education and being a good listener. I believe the day I become a nurse the only â€Å"values and beliefs† that I will need are those contained in the oath I take the day I become a nurse, and those legally expressed in my Nurse Practice Act. We will write a custom essay sample on My Nursing Philosophy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Injecting my beliefs into my practice as a nurse will most likely violate my oath and responsibilities to my patients My Nursing Philosophy By Christina Rivera Professional Issues NU 116 Maria Prior As I sit here pondering how I would communicate my values and beliefs, I think of my current job as a personal trainer, similar to nursing, on a daily basis I help individuals with their personal health both inside and out. In my job there is no room for my values or beliefs, just facts, education and being a good listener. I believe the day I become a nurse the only â€Å"values and beliefs† that I will need are those contained in the oath I take the day I become a nurse, and those legally expressed in my Nurse Practice Act. Injecting my beliefs into my practice as a nurse will most likely violate my oath and responsibilities to my patients. While I hold true to my values and beliefs when it comes to nursing, I strongly believe that putting peoples basic needs at the top the priority list when it comes to nursing is what separates good nurses from great nurses. I believe that a nurse should always act in a professional manner and act in accordance within the scope of practice. Nurses should possess qualities such as; Empathy and being able to identify with others; be caring, compassionate and committed. A urse should be ethical and non-judgmental, be honest, confident and trustworthy. Being physically fit is important, as the job is very demanding. Last but not least a good nurse should also be an advocate for their patients and have their best interests at heart, be a good listener and communicator. My personal definitions of client, health, environment and nursing are: A client is a person with needs, whether it is medical, physical, psychological, or self-esteem. It is a nurse’s duty to make sure each person feels they have received the best health care and feel like a human being. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the definition of health â€Å" is a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†. To me health is all relative to the well being of the body. This not only includes the physical but the mental as well. Health is not only when you are sick, but also having your physical and mental health being is a good stable condition. My definition of environment does not just describe the physical area where a person lives; it also includes the individual emotions and thoughts. It will be my duty as a nurse to be positive with all services, and to include family and friends whom are close to the individual regarding their health. Nursing is someone who cares for people who are sick in every way and sometimes all a person needs is someone to talk to. A nurse does not only help individuals, they also help families achieve health and prevent disease. A scientific definition of nursing is â€Å"observes, assesses, and records symptoms, reactions and progress of patients†. My personal nursing philosophy is I believe it is beneficial to the patient to be treated as an uman being rather than just another patient. Allowing the patient to feel that the nurse really care about their feelings and overall health. People are at their most vulnerable state when in a hospital or nursing home, this is the time for the nurse to be reassuring and make the individual feel as comfortable as possible is one the most important aspects of nursing. References Definition of World Health Organization, Retrieved Feb 06, 2012 from http://apps. who. int/aboutwho/en/definition. html. Scientific definition of Nursing from Wiki pedia, Retrieved Feb 06, 2012 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/nursing How to cite My Nursing Philosophy, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Tims Coffee Shop free essay sample

In this coffee shop industry there are many competitive big and small out there but the one route to take when starting a business is to plan ahead. Putting the four P components of the marketing mix product, price, place and promotion will help get your company it needs to be. Tim’s Coffee Shop is in a great area according to the customers that come, it is in a college community where this a lot of student that drink coffee to stay awake to study, young couples that like to go out on a date and have coffee, and just anyone on their way to work.But there are a few things that are missing from Tim’s coffee shop that is Wifi for the students that wants for hang out and study, the friendly customer service, the quality of their product and a credit card machine. With there being so many coffee shops out there that already have these things it is important to have the traffic that Tim wants he is going to have to get this stuff. We will write a custom essay sample on Tims Coffee Shop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Product is the first way to start, if your product is great then you can take a first time drinker of coffee and make them a long time drinker in your coffee shop or someone that has drinks at another shop would get hooked on your product and never go back to where they use to go. To keep the competitiveness in this large market there should be continuous product extensions though innovation and thus differentiation is required and is one of the strategies to differentiate a product from its competitors. Pricing is the next component that should be looked at, if the price is high then the quality should be high (large price, large serving).Having the meal deal at breakfast, lunch and dinner, have specials buy 5 get one free or late night half price, or karaoke night on the weekend. Then next is the place for where you will purchase all of your product. This is where your research will keep your customers coming back for more. First going to the big competitives and trying some of their product, ask them the question of where they get there product from or getting online to look for bakeries that are highly known that will have deals if you hire them.If possible going to local bakeries would be best because you could go to them do taste test but what might tas te good to you might not taste good to some one else so it is good to take a few people with you to find out what others think. Promotion is last this is what draws in the customers. Promoting your company can be described as putting a big ad in the local newspaper, flyers, advertising at local surrounding companies, build a website that everyone can get to with links on other sites,and Tims employees can help out with passing the word around.This is by telling their friends, some of his employees are students so they can pass the word around, passing those flyers around campus, and doing some kind of out door activity that will promote Tims Coffee Shop. When reading all of the surveys from the customers most of them like the place, the customer, the atmosphere but the were customers that suggest a few thing in order for Tim to make it. First since he was in a college area he gets wifi so anyone could come and hang out, have a credit card machine for the ones that dont carry cash plus it makes checking out fast and no customers have to wait.Then working on the product to make the coffee taste better and hav e more of a variety with good prices. The main thing is the customer service, it is important that all the employees give each and every customer the warmest welcome. Some of the surveys was about how customer enjoyed the fact the some of the employees remembered who they are every time they come in, well that is how all the employees should treat their customers. So Tim has a lot of work ahead of him in order to because really big and become a success that he wants to be. ?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How Spelling Diverges Between American and British English

How Spelling Diverges Between American and British English How Spelling Diverges Between American and British English How Spelling Diverges Between American and British English By Mark Nichol As George Bernard Shaw is said to have said, â€Å"England and America are two countries separated by the same language.† It’s easy enough to find books and Web sites that provide evidence to back the old boy up, detailing such transoceanic translations as elevator/lift and critical divergences such as the relative meanings of â€Å"knocked up† (British English: â€Å"called on,† â€Å"woke up,† or â€Å"worn out†: American English: â€Å"impregnated†). What you’ll find here, however, is a discussion of differences not in vocabulary but in spelling between the English language’s two primary variants. The blame for the ornery orthography of American English (which is even more annoying to its users than to those who speak other variants of the language, because we actually have to, you know, use it) is primary laid at the oft-pedestal-mounted feet of Noah Webster, a nineteenth-century writer, editor, and lexicographer who almost single-handedly created the dialect I will hereafter in this post abbreviate as AE (as opposed to BE, or British English). Webster’s impetus was nationalistic he desired a distinct language for Americans that they could feel they owned, and one that represented democratic ideals as well. The problem is, for all his meticulousness, he was maddeningly inconsistent, and the myriad successors who have added to the American word-hoard have followed suit. Here, to do my part to make amends, is a brief guide to the major distinctions in AE and BE spelling (and within AE spelling itself), with one or more examples: -ae (encyclopaedia, mediaeval) AE usually deletes the a from the diphthong ae, which is unfortunate, because the words look so cool with it. It is retained, however, in such words as aesthetic (though that word is also spelled esthetic). -ed (fitted, forecasted, knitted) AE usually drops the past-tense ending in these words. However, exceptions are made in such usages as â€Å"The tailor fitted him for a tuxedo.† -ed [irregular] (lighted, strived) AE prefers forms such as lit and strove, though the BE forms are often employed. -ement (acknowledgement, arguement, judgement) AE omits the first e from the suffix, though some writers of AE remain unaware as far as the first and third examples are concerned. -ence (defence, licence, offence) AE spells these words with an s in place of a c. -ise/-yse (analyse, criticise, memorise, realise) AE favors -ize/-yze endings. -l (enrol, fulfil, skilful) AE doubles the l that is not part of -ful/ful-; the l in that syllable is never doubled (except in inflected forms of full). -lled/-lling (cancelled/cancelling, levelled/levelling, travelled/travelling) AE omits one l in this form; some writers of AE still haven’t received the memo. -mme (diagramme, programme, telegramme) AE omits the second m and the e at the end of these words. -ogue (analogue, catalogue, dialogue, epilogue) In AE, catalog is clipped, though the full form is preferred for all its analogues. (See?) -our (colour, favour, honour, labour) In AE, the u is jettisoned in most words with -our; glamour is an exception. -oeuvre (manoeuvre) AE simplifies this ending to -euver (maneuver). -que (banque, checque) In AE, the French-influenced -que is replaced by a Germanic k. -re (centre, litre, metre, theatre) In AE, the letters in the -re ending are reversed, though the BE spelling for the first and last examples is sometimes employed in proper names for facilities to convey Old World class. -st (amidst, amongst) In AE, amid and among are preferred, though many writers of AE, professionals and amateurs alike, retain the -st ending. -t (dreamt, leapt, learnt) AE replaces -t with -ed, though some writers of AE, out of ignorance or because they prefer the more poetically pleasing appearances, use the BE form. -wards (backwards, inwards, upwards) AE omits the -s, though many writers of AE retain it (often inconsistently from one word to another). -xion (complexion, connexion) This suffix is unique to complexion, spelled identically in AE and BE, and connexion, now almost obsolete in the United Kingdom. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical WordsRound vs. Around5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow

Monday, March 2, 2020

Responding To Customer Complaints On Social Media

Responding To Customer Complaints On Social Media You’re human. Mistakes will happen. Nothing is perfect and something will go wrong. Not every customer will be satisfied. This is not a failure. The best businesses are the ones that mess up and show how they fix their mistakes. They build their customer’s trust and prove they are listening to them. When a significant other makes a mistake and owns up to it, do you dump them because they messed up or do forgive them and trust them more because they were honest? Depending on the situation, you’ll forgive them and that will make your relationship stronger. It’s similar with business. Mistakes happen, but when a business owns up to it and apologizes, they’ll build a better relationship with the customer. Listen To Your Customer Complaints When customers complain, sometimes they just want someone to hear them out. They had a poor experience, and no matter how big or small it was, the least you can do is listen. What do you learn when you listen? You find out about problems that would have created more dissatisfied customers in the future. When you listen to a customer, you have an opportunity to establish a relationship with that customer. By listening to them, youll let them know you care. Just because a customer is upset doesnt mean they are a lost cause, or gone forever. Regardless of the size of the issue, let the customer know you heard their problem and understand their frustration. One of my first jobs was a clerk at a small drug store/gift shop. I was 16 and terrified when customers complained because I had no idea what to do and no authority to do anything about it. This is when I discovered if I let a customer vent their frustrations to me and apologize for their poor experience, they would always leave happier than when they came in. Business Is About Relationships It is easy to forget the fact that business is all about relationships. Relationships  with your current customers, but with vendors, former customers, clients, the community, and more. The Perfect Apology, a site dedicated to helping readers craft the perfect mea culpa,  understands this relationship connection between a business and customer. It offers the following strategy about how to protect that relationship: 1.  Look at the reason behind your business apology and  who  has been affected by the situation. 2.  Determine the most appropriate way to apologize and  when  that apology should be given. 3.  Ask and answer the following four basic questions: What are you apologizing for? Who are you apologizing to? How do you apologize? When should you apologize? When someone complains, its not the end of the relationship. Instead, its an opportunity. Its a chance to strengthen that relationship and rebuild it. Business is about relationships. Complaints are a chance to preserve and build relationships.How To Apologize Face-To-Face When I was in the first grade, a teacher of mine told us that if we were going to apologize to someone, sorry is never enough. When you apologize you should state their name, tell them what happened, tell them why it happened, and that you’ll never do it agin. As Ive been doing research on business apologies, Ive been learning this form of apology is what most businesses use. Its a five-step process. Apologize.  Actually say you are sorry. Dont say that you are sorry they feel that way but say I am sorry. State what you did wrong.  Make sure you inform the customer what your business did wrong. This is you owning up to your mistakes and taking ownership of them. Acknowledge how they are feeling.  Imagine yourself in their shoes, and let them know you understand (or are trying to understand) how the situation made/makes them feel. Express regret.  Let them know you feel bad about the situation. Promise it wont happen again. It’s hard to promise that something will never happen again, but you can at least mention how you will do your best to prevent a mistake from happening again. A crisis is never fun but it does give you an opportunity to build a lasting relationship with your audience. Of course, this is based on how you handle it. Customers Value Apology More What do customers value more? An apology or some form of monetary value in exchange for the poor experience? The Nottingham School of Economics  conducted a study and found that unhappy customers are more willing to forgive a company that offers an apology rather than monetary compensation. Why would customers be more willing to forgive a company that offers an apology? Researchers theorized that when customers hear Im sorry, it triggers an instinct to forgive. Its an instinct that is difficult for people to overcome. I have to admit that the results of this study came as a surprise for me. From my experience, I know customers always value a genuine apology. Im on the marketing team for a sandwich shop and like anyone in the food industry knows, mistakes happen. Typically when a customer complains, we apologize and offer to send them something in the mail. That something is usually a free sandwich. Well typically say something that directly addresses their poor experience, apologize for it and ask for them to give us another chance to make up for their poor experience. I believe this is a good balance between an apology and compensation. Author Bruna Martinuzzi wrote a wonderful post on the best way for businesses to apologize, sharing some great apology dos and donts. Whats the big takeaway? Don’t use the word â€Å"if†.  An apology that is â€Å"if I offended you, I’m sorry† is basically saying â€Å"I don’t understand how you can be offended, but if you are so sensitive to being offended, let me apologize.† That’s not the vibe you want to give off to your customers. You don’t want to insult them again. Just say, â€Å"I’m sorry we offended you.† That’s straight to the point and you took ownership of the situation. Don’t give excuses.  Excuses are tempting because there is usually a reason behind your actions. Yet excuses are easily one of the most annoying things about apologies. â€Å"I’m sorry I offended you, but I was just following customer policy.† Even if you have an actual reason as to why a situation occurred, refrain from making excuses. You can explain the situation, but don’t use an excuse. It will make your apology less genuine. Make it brief.  Keep your apology short. It’s easy to ramble on, but don’t. Short and sweet is the rule. This will make it seem more genuine and less about you. The sooner the better.  The time frame on giving an apology does expire. Don’t delay an apology. 50% of consumers give a brand only one week to respond to a question before they stop doing business with them, according to RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report. If possible, apologize before the customer even knows about the situation. It will make the customer trust you more. For business, trust is everything. Value the relationship.  You dont always need to be right. The value of a relationship will often overshadow your need to be right. By arguing about who is right and who is wrong, youre doing more damage. Does it matter who is right? Will it harm the relationship between you and the customer? Is it worth it? Create an apology policy.  If you have multiple employees, it can be hard to keep everyone in the loop on whats the best way to apologize. Even if you are the only person in your company, an apology policy will help keep you on track with consistent and level headed responses.  Martinuzzi points out Starbucks LATTE method for dealing with complaints.  Starbucks baristas are trained to respond to complaints by Listening (L), Acknowledging (A), (T)  Taking Action, Thanking (T), and Explaining (E). There is emphasis on listening first and only lastly on explaining what happened. Try to create an easy to remember policy that will help you and your employees deal with complaints. How To Apologize On Social Media One reason business owners dont want to go into  social media  is because they are afraid theyll be on defense the entire time. Any time a customer has so much as a mediocre experience they come flocking to their social media networks and complain. It seems like all they would do  on social media is apologize.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Gilbert and Sullivan Theatrical Partnership Essay

Gilbert and Sullivan Theatrical Partnership - Essay Example Sullivan was a junior of Gilbert and he was the composer and thus he was responsible for contributing memorable melodies which successfully delivered humor along with pathos. 1 The operas were successful in providing enduring and also broad international success along with performing frequently throughout the English speaking world especially. Sullivan and Gilbert basically introduced innovations along with bright new ideas in content and also form the directly influenced development which is involved in musical theatre. This practice was famous and was popular throughout the 20th century. The operas had a huge influence on the literature, film, television and also political discourse and it was widely pastiche and parodied by a humorist. The partnership of Sullivan and Gilbert was brought together by the famous producer Richard D Oyle Carte who basically nurtured and brought together the collaborations. He was responsible for building the Savoy Theatre during the year 1881 and he also presented their joint works which were popularly known as Savoy Operas and they were also responsible for founding D Oyly Carte Opera Company which was good in performing and also promoting the Sullivan’s and Gilbert’s work as a lyricist and composer for almost over a century. Gilbert and Sullivan had played a major role in influencing the English speaking world and the pop culture. Operas of Gilbert and Sullivan had become extremely popular and the lines and quotations have become an integral part of English language. The Savoy operas have played a massive role in influencing the course of development of modern musical theatre and also the political style, literature, discourse and also advertising.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

WHY WE ABUSE OUR CHILDREN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WHY WE ABUSE OUR CHILDREN - Essay Example In many instances, public outrage draws attention to the social system's lack of power to prevent and protect children, and the knock on effect that carries into adulthood. There are numberless domestic and international, institutional and social organizations that work toward the prevention of child abuse. Child abuse occurs as a result of broken homes, irresponsible parenting and stress due to financial circumstances. (thesis) Broken home is a social phenomenon which directly can lead to child abuse. This usually occurs, because the couple separates and the signle parent has to take all the responsibility for upbrining the kids. When parents split, this results in decreasing of the income and the single parent is forced to work longer hours, has two jobs and do not spend enough time with his offspring. The lack of parent's presence, control, love and care makes the children to feel unwanted. Thus, they seek reassurance from external sources - such as gangs or street fights. When the single parent faces the fact that she /he can not handle the behavior of his kid in his emotional distress he uses aggression. In most of the cases the aggression has a physical form, transformed into child abuse. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2004) reported that parents dependent on or abusing alcohol a

Friday, January 24, 2020

how to make a bar :: essays research papers

Good sure to note #1 below All: I have created a simple tool that I have given to our UPNY TeleSales reps to help them best identify which rate plan a customer should be on. It should be simple to use. In qualifying the customer, the rep enters the customers expected # of calls he/she will make on a daily basis (weekdays ONLY), and the program will calculate which America's Choice rate plan would be the least expensive, and which rate plan would give the customer the most value (given their usage). The purpose of the sheet is to help UP-SELL to higher rate plans, focusing more on the VALUE of the plans vs. the COST. The spreadsheet is LOCKED, prohibiting a rep from making any changes. It allows him/her to enter the # of phone calls the customer is expected to use daily (weekdays). This "should be" the only cell the rep needs to enter in, although one other cell is left UNLOCKED ... the average minutes/call. There are, in 2002, 21.75 weekdays/month, which is hard-coded in. KEEP IN MIND, PLZ ... this is a simple tool to help guide the rep to which rate plan to suggest. It is not a full blown detailed report of what the customer will be billed. It should NOT be shown to customers. It takes simple assumptions into consideration (ie: should the customer still have >10% of his plan minutes left over at the end of the month or should the delta between two rate plans exceed $25 or more per month, the program will not recommend the next rate plan up). Keep in mind also that this is newly created and has not been tested yet by the reps. Should any reps find any errors or suggestions to improve it, please let me know and I will fix &/or enhance it. It should be self-explanatory, but I will be happy to go over it with anyone that asks. As I hear feedback from reps, I will make changes and send you out a new & improved version. I am sending this to you in hopes that you might find it useful in your channels as well. If you wish to not receive future versions, just let me know. INSTRUCTIONS: 1.) The simplicity is to have the reps probe to find out how many calls/weekday the customer is expecting to make. This program DOES NOT calculate "off-peak" airtime.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

New World Analysis

The world Huxley creates tells us that the only way a perfect society can exist is to no longer allow humans to believe in supernatural forces such as God and Jesus and to take away the fear of dying and getting old. Thus allowing humans no need for God. The theme of sex is looked at as Lenin tries to seduce John where she only enrages him to strike her naked body. The act of sex been euthanized and made devoid of passion and treated casually and biblically Instead of as a personal matter.The way Lenin treats sex is Just the way his mother had sex, sleeping with every man she could and this angers John because he wants no part of the world his mother comes from. He wants to live by his own rules and by falling into the arms of Laminas naked body he believes he will have sinned. The theme of power and control Is used not by physical force but by conditioning people to follow the rules, â€Å"It Is a matter of sitting not hitting† states one character. Power is a key focus in th e later chapters for it shows what must be done to create a Brave New World.Mustache Mood is the resident world controller of Western Europe. Even though he is one of the seven people In control of the entire world there Is a sense that he Is a slave to his position In life Just Like everyone else. He must control all science that Is given to the public for it can be quite subversive to the society that has been created. Mustache Mood states that â€Å"science is dangerous; we have to keep it most carefully chained and muzzled. † Life in the Brave New World is a very straight and narrow path and for It to work correctly everyone must follow the path.When people start going out of line and creating new inventions to help better mankind it is hindering the absolute perfection they have created. That is why science must be controlled and it only appears as If it is still useful but instead it has been used up to its potential. The literature of William Shakespeare Is brought up various times by John. When he is in the office with Mustache Mood they speak of Othello and how John believes the people should have access to such writings but John doesn't fully understand that they will not get the story.Literature becomes a means of finding the self, of rebelling against conformity, and of seeking both truth and beauty, even at the cost of ignorant bliss. Mood shows John his collection of banned religious writings, and reads aloud-long passages from the nineteenth-century Catholic theologian, Cardinal Newman, and from the eighteenth-century French philosopher, Maine De Blear, to the effect that religious sentiment Is essentially a response to the threat of loss, old age, and death. Mood argues that in a prosperous, youthful society, there are no losses and therefore no need for religion..John believes that the theme 1 OFF when any sign of pain comes over you, you take a pill. They push all of their feelings deep down and after taking their soma are in a way les s human. John does not wish to live amongst everyone else and moves himself to a deserted lighthouse to live off the land and suffer with the bare necessities. John inflicts pain upon himself to leans him of his sins. He tries not to have feelings for Lenin but when he visions her naked body he imagines his dead then soon after begins to whip his back to cleanse his lust for her.The mood in the Brave New World for the most part is ironic and rather Jaded. Both Lenin and John have feelings for each other but both do not know how to express and go about these feeling in a way that works for both of them. The two of them are almost a different species and they show how clear communication is key when speaking with someone of a different kind. It brings out anger in John when Lenin misinterprets his love for her and undresses herself leaving a feeling of angst in the air that makes you worried of what John is capable of.John later rushes to the hospital for the dying and bursts into tea rs when he learns of his mothers succumbing death. In the hospital the nurse gets quite angry at John and says†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Of what fatal mischief he might do to these poor innocents? Undoing all their wholesome death-conditioning with this disgusting outcry-as though death were something terrible, as though any one mattered as much as all that! † Through John and his words, the mood seemed somber and terrible. His mother was dying after all. He was horrified and Just wanted to save her.He did not want his mother to die, which was understandable. On the other hand, the nurse inside the ward was more concerned about the society as a whole. She was worried about the children not being properly death conditioned. She could have cared less if Linda died or not. Her mood was worry, but not for the same reason as John. Surrounding Linda, the nurse set a mood of acceptance and inevitability. She did not even try to help her in her last few moments. Through these two characters, the author is able to convey a differing DOD on the issue of death.John felt that all that mattered at the time was his mother while the only thing the nurse was concerned about was the 6 months of death conditioning the children might have to go through again. Mustache Mood one of the 7 world leaders has an old collection of books and has read William Shakespeare. All of these writings are banned in the New World and it is quite ironic that this man has a collection of something that could destroy the world he governs. He keeps them locked in a safe Just as he keeps his past locked away no longer in use. Huxley, tells the story Brave New World in a third-person point of view.This means that the person who is narrating the story has no knowledge and has no access to the different emotions and thoughts of the other characters. He doesn't play a part in the story, maybe even a stranger to the events. He only describes the characters through dialogues and comprehensive descriptions or by t heir outer appearance but cannot look into their subconscious mind. He represents the speaker as an omniscient type of person. By writing in this style it allows the reader to make there own Judgments of hat works and doesn't work in this future world.The characterization of John and his connection with Lenin and how they both want to be with each other Just in different worldly ideas shows that there love for each other is something out of Romeo and Juliet being from different families or in this case different worlds. Although, it is also something out of a Greek tragedy where John sees Lenin as his mother and wants to be with her solely on that basis. Linda and Lamina's names are both phonetically similar; looking at Huxley importance of choice of names in his stories we can see the relation. As well certain signs point to Lenin and Linda both being of beta caste.There are also connections John makes between his mother and his desired lover. In chapter 18 when he keeps thinking a bout Lenin he quickly distracts himself by thinking of his mom. He is integrating thoughts of Lenin being naked with images of his dead mother. Huxley links the event of Lenin seducing John and Land's death at the hospital. Land's death is what takes him away from Lenin sitting naked in his bathroom. Lenin is an expression of his subconscious desire to sleep with his mother. A play by Sophocles [Sofa-I-clean] allied Oedipus [Oedipus] the King somewhat demonstrates this Freudian theory John is demonstrating.In the play the son accidentally kills his father then sleeps with his mother. Afterwards he self mutilates himself by cutting out his eyes. John tries to kill his father figure Pope and because his mother is dead he cannot sleep with her but instead he very likely sleeps with Lenin in the orgy outside of the abandoned lighthouse. After the orgy he wakes up and covers his eyes yelling â€Å"Oh, my god, my god† remembering everything from the night before. John then takes th e self- mutilation to the next level and hangs himself in the lighthouse.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Public Should Be Cautious About Gm Foods Essay

The Public Should Be Cautious About GM Foods According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), up to 92% of U.S. corn is genetically engineered, as are 94% of soybeans and 94% of cotton, and approximate 75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves – from soda to soup, crackers to condiments – contain genetically engineered ingredients. Obviously, genetically modified (GM) foods have already become a considerable part of our life. Nevertheless, due to human health risks, environmental threats as well as economic concerns, consumers and scientists believe the public should be more cautious of GM foods, which has not been adequately regulated and tested. Genes are blueprints for an organism and genetic engineering is the process of modifying these blueprints artificially (Baboo 2). Genetically modified foods or genetically engineered foods, also known as biotech, are foods whose genetic makeup has been altered in order to give them desirable traits as well as greater control over those traits. As the author of â€Å"The Recent Advancements in Genetically Engineered Food† says, genetic engineering is a â€Å"very young, exciting, and controversial branch of the biological sciences† (Baboo 2). Since GM foods were first introduced in 1990s, the widespread debate about them has never stopped. Relatively, farmers and biotech firms are much more willing to accept GM foods, for genetic engineering can create plants that can be better resistant to weeds, pests as well as other diseases,Show MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Food in Canada Essay1511 Words   |  7 Pagesrevolution in food technology. The technology is genetic en gineering (GE), also known as biotechnology. Blue prints (DNA) of agricultural crops are altered and â€Å"spliced† with foreign genes to produce transgenic crops. Foods harvested from these agricultural plants are called, genetically modified (GM). Presently, Canada has no consumer notification; GM foods are being slipped to Canada’s foods without any labels or adequate risk assessments. This essay argues that GM foods should be rigorously andRead MoreThe Debate Over Gmo Foods1994 Words   |  8 PagesOn Tuesday, November 04, 2014, voters in Colorado and Oregon went to the polls to decide whether or not foods that contain GMOs should be labeled (Krimsky). The debate around GMO foods centers in part on the question of whether they pose risks to human health. Considerable research has shown that they do. Furthermore, it is clear that the impact of the production of GMO foods goes beyond direct medical consequences, but also includes financial and environmental wellb eing. Genetic engineers createRead MoreGmos : Genetically Modified Organisms Essay1588 Words   |  7 Pagesprocessed foods contain some sort of gmo. (Gmo project) They are important today because millions of people eat gmos everyday; however the long term effects on people are still unknown. Major restaurants such as Chipotle have already stopped using genetically modified ingredients in their food. They stopped using gmos because they believe their customers should have a restaurant where they can eat fresh, natural food, and should not have to take a health risk to eat their favorite foods(Chipotle)Read MoreEssay on Effects of Genetically Modified Foods1452 Words   |  6 PagesGenetically Modified Foods have quietly become second nature to the U.S, it may surprise you just how many foods you are eating that have genetically modified ingredient. Experts say 60% to 70% of processed foods on U.S grocery shelves have modified ingredient. The mass demand for food around the world is push ing scientist to alter genetic material of the plants to make them stronger and able to withstand the harsh chemicals they are exposed to during the season. Growers use harsh pesticides of manyRead MoreIn Recent Years, Genetically Modified Organics (GmoS)1848 Words   |  8 Pagesever tells you that we know with one hundred percent certainty that GMOs are totally safe to eat, they haven’t done their research. There is no reason GM foods should be approved safe for consumption, we just don’t know enough about them. We could easily feed the planet through organic, GMO-free methods, there is absolutely no reason we need GM foods around. With that said, readers might infer that there is no reason for Genetic Modification, but readers might want to read the labels more often toRead MoreCurrent Status and Applications of Biotechnology in the Malaysian Food Industry.1517 Words   |  7 PagesCURRENT STATUS AND APPLICATIONS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE MALAYSIAN FOOD INDUSTRY. The term â€Å"biotechnology† refers to the use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the human environment. ‘Food biotechnology’ is a process scientists use to enhance the production, nutritional value, safety, and taste of foods. It can also benefit the environment by improving crops so that they need fewer pesticides. Modern food biotechnology is a refined version of this same process. Today,Read MoreGenetically Modified Organisms : Aid Or Adversary1652 Words   |  7 Pagesargue genetically modified organisms should be kept legal in the United States while others state they should be made illegal. First, genetically modified organisms should stay legal because they offer beneficial health effects. Guangwen Tang, an associate professor and senior researcher at Tufts Human Nutrition Research Center for 25 years, published a study discussing vitamin A in golden rice, commonly referred to as GR, compared to genetically modified foods asserting that ÃŽ ²-carotene in GR isRead MoreWhat Are Genetically Modified Organism ( Gmos )?3734 Words   |  15 Pagesgenetic material, such as DNA, and inserting it into another organism. It is part of an ever growing field of science called genetic engineering. Most of the time that you hear about genetic engineering is in reference to the crops and vegetables that we find in our supermarkets. We hear a lot of conflicting sides about if we should eat GMOs and if they are healthy. Before we look at if GMOs are or are not healthy, it is important to understand what genetic engineering is, and a general understanding ofRead MoreGenetically Modified Food - Pros Cons2979 Words   |  12 PagesApril 2012 Genetically Modified Food: World Wide Panacea or â€Å"Frankenfood† to Fear? Never before in history has mankind so masterfully commanded its food chain. Thousands of years ago, much of our species made the leap from a hunter-gatherer level of subsistence to an agricultural society. With agriculture, slowly but surely many modifications were made to plants and animals used and domesticated by us for the purpose of feeding ourselves. New specialized varieties with specific desirable traitsRead MoreEthics, Public Health, And Environmental Safety3018 Words   |  13 Pagesengineering and the adoption of transgenic crops, a new set of questions regarding ethics, public health, and environmental safety has grown from a theoretical concern to one that must be considered as genetic engineering plays an increasingly large role in our everyday lives. As genetically modified (GM) food has entered the marketplace, these ethical questions have fallen not just to scientists but to the public at large, and the issue has grown into a massive, polarized debate with no signs of resolution