Friday, February 14, 2020

Gilbert and Sullivan Theatrical Partnership Essay

Gilbert and Sullivan Theatrical Partnership - Essay Example Sullivan was a junior of Gilbert and he was the composer and thus he was responsible for contributing memorable melodies which successfully delivered humor along with pathos. 1 The operas were successful in providing enduring and also broad international success along with performing frequently throughout the English speaking world especially. Sullivan and Gilbert basically introduced innovations along with bright new ideas in content and also form the directly influenced development which is involved in musical theatre. This practice was famous and was popular throughout the 20th century. The operas had a huge influence on the literature, film, television and also political discourse and it was widely pastiche and parodied by a humorist. The partnership of Sullivan and Gilbert was brought together by the famous producer Richard D Oyle Carte who basically nurtured and brought together the collaborations. He was responsible for building the Savoy Theatre during the year 1881 and he also presented their joint works which were popularly known as Savoy Operas and they were also responsible for founding D Oyly Carte Opera Company which was good in performing and also promoting the Sullivan’s and Gilbert’s work as a lyricist and composer for almost over a century. Gilbert and Sullivan had played a major role in influencing the English speaking world and the pop culture. Operas of Gilbert and Sullivan had become extremely popular and the lines and quotations have become an integral part of English language. The Savoy operas have played a massive role in influencing the course of development of modern musical theatre and also the political style, literature, discourse and also advertising.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

WHY WE ABUSE OUR CHILDREN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WHY WE ABUSE OUR CHILDREN - Essay Example In many instances, public outrage draws attention to the social system's lack of power to prevent and protect children, and the knock on effect that carries into adulthood. There are numberless domestic and international, institutional and social organizations that work toward the prevention of child abuse. Child abuse occurs as a result of broken homes, irresponsible parenting and stress due to financial circumstances. (thesis) Broken home is a social phenomenon which directly can lead to child abuse. This usually occurs, because the couple separates and the signle parent has to take all the responsibility for upbrining the kids. When parents split, this results in decreasing of the income and the single parent is forced to work longer hours, has two jobs and do not spend enough time with his offspring. The lack of parent's presence, control, love and care makes the children to feel unwanted. Thus, they seek reassurance from external sources - such as gangs or street fights. When the single parent faces the fact that she /he can not handle the behavior of his kid in his emotional distress he uses aggression. In most of the cases the aggression has a physical form, transformed into child abuse. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2004) reported that parents dependent on or abusing alcohol a